Volleyball net plays a central role in the game.It serves as both a dividing line on the court and a formidable barrier that teams must navigate in order to score. It greatly influences strategic moves like spiking and blocking, while also enforcing rules such as avoiding contact with the net during play.

Many people wonder if it’s possible to touch the net in volleyball. In this article, we will discuss the rules regarding when you can and cannot touch the net during a volleyball game.

Can You Touch the Net in Volleyball?

Touching the volleyball net is generally prohibited, especially when it interferes with play or is used as support during a play. According to the official rules, it’s a fault to make contact with the net between the antennae while playing the ball.

However, incidental contact, like accidentally hitting the net after playing the ball or hair touching the net, is not considered a fault. Also, touching the net outside of the antennae is allowed if it doesn’t interfere with the game or provide support to the player.

What the Rule Says?

In volleyball, according to the FIVB 2017-2020 rules, you can’t touch the net between the antennas while playing the ball - that’s a mistake. But it’s okay to touch the net outside these antennas or the net posts, as long as it doesn’t disrupt the game.

Penalty for Touching the Net

In volleyball, a net violation, like touching the top of the net, results in a point for the opposing team. Body contact with the net is allowed, provided it doesn’t interfere with play or give an advantage. So always pay close attention to the rules and make sure you don’t touch the net!

Incidental Contact vs Interference

At times, a player may accidentally touch the net during play and that’s called incidental contact. This type of contact does not result in a penalty as long as it doesn’t interfere with the opponent’s ability to return the ball or play the game.

On the other hand, if a player intentionally touches or hangs on the net which interferes with another players' performance - then it is considered interference. That rule violation results in an immediate point for the opposing team.

So make sure you know what you can do - and what you can’t do - when it comes to touching the net! Play safe and enjoy your volleyball!

Final Thoughts

Touching the net outside the antennae is allowed as long as it doesn’t interfere with the game or provide support. It’s important to remember that these exceptions should not impact the ongoing play or provide any advantage to the player. Next time you’re on the court, keep this rule in mind so that you can stay safe and play your best game.

Wade Gibson
I'm Wade Gibson, a seasoned volleyball player with a deep understanding of the game. Through intensive training, I've honed my skills and developed a deep passion for strategy, technique, and teamwork. Being part of successful teams and projects, I now aim to share my knowledge and expertise to help others achieve their goals. Explore the articles and tips that I've created to raise your game and unlock your full potential.